Cocktails, Drinks, Features, Food, What Foodies Eat,
BY Auli Cinantya | 10 December 2023
What FoodieS Eat: Demitria Dana Paramita

From her favourite city to eat to the latest street food gems in Semarang, get to know Demi’s picks on her top bar destinations

Features, Food, What Foodies Eat,
BY Auli Cinantya | 19 November 2023
What Foodies Eat: Vivilya Millian

Owner of Riung Rasa and a dedicated lady pitmaster, Vivilya Millian shares recent memorable food trips and recommends must-try dishes from her top three dining destinations.

Features, Food, People, What Foodies Eat,
BY Auli Cinantya | 21 October 2023
What FoodieS Eat: Hartono Moe

A daring food enthusiast, constantly seeking new and unexplored gastronomic horizons, check out Hartono Moe’s top dining destinations.

Features, Food, People, What Foodies Eat,
BY Auli Cinantya | 07 October 2023
What FoodieS Eat: Poetri Andayani (Tante Sayur)

Get to know Poetri, the person behind Tante Sayur, as she shares her most memorable food trip, top three dining destinations, and favorite comfort food.

Features, Food, People, What Foodies Eat,
BY Auli Cinantya | 30 September 2023
What Foodies Eat: Chiria Leozha

Chiria Leozha’s passion for baking and food has led her to seek out sweet indulgences whenever she travels.

Features, Food, People, What Foodies Eat,
BY Auli Cinantya | 18 September 2023
What FoodieS Eat: Joscelyn Tan & Olivia Hadipranoto

The creative hand behind ANEKA 57, Joscelyn Tan and Olivia Hadipranoto shares their love and passion for food, and their recent dining discoveries.