To celebrate International Biodiversity Day (22 May), Gushcloud Indonesia, in collaboration with the KEHATI Foundation, will present Pekan Pangan Lokal (Local Food Week) on 21-27 May 2022 at Sedari Coffee and Tea, BSD. Pekan Pangan Local is a special program initiated by Gushcloud to support the KEHATI Foundation in conveying messages about biodiversity and its good values.

“KEHATI welcomes the collaboration with Gushcloud, which invites content creators to spread awareness of the importance of preserving local food types and local plants so that they do not become extinct. We have spread public awareness for a long time through various programs to strengthen local food initiatives whose sources come from the eastern part of Indonesia, which is very rich in biodiversity. Through this Pekan Pangan Lokal, we hope to inspire more urban communities to slowly start consuming local food, such as sorghum and Flores Manggarai coffee which are the two commodities that we introduce at this event,” said Rika Anggraini, Director of Communications and Partnerships of the Foundation. HEART.

Gushcloud and the KEHATI Foundation collaborate with culinary entrepreneurs, cooks, culinary storytellers, and content creators in the Pekan Pangan Lokal program. They are Sedari Coffee and Tea BSD, Gastronomy Party (Arifin Windarman, Seto Nurseto, and Reyza Ramadhan), Ade Putri, Josefine Yaputri, and others.

Parti Gastronomi is known to love Indonesia’s culinary diversity and has experimented with many recipes. At the Pekan Pangan Lokal, Parti Gastronomi explored recipes for arem-arem and cookies using sorghum as the raw material. Fig & Almond Soft Sorghum Cookies, whose recipe was formulated by Parti Gastronomi x The Goodlife, will be available at Sedari Kopi and Teh BSD and can be enjoyed by visitors as a companion to manual brew with Juria Arabica coffee beans and Yellow Caturra from Flores Manggarai during the Local Food Week program.

Meanwhile, Parti Gastronomi practiced the Arem-arem Sorghum recipe directly through a cooking demonstration at the Pekan Pangan Lokal gathering on May 21, 2022, at Sedari Kopi.

Ade Putri is known to often disseminate the richness of Indonesian culinary arts. At the Local Food Week, Ade Putri told about the creative preparations of sorghum and Flores Manggarai coffee through various ways, formats, and media. Likewise with other content creators who will tell stories on social media